DIATEX provides a wide range of bagging films for vacuum moulding and vacuum infusion.
DIATEX provides a wide range of bagging films for vacuum moulding and vacuum infusion.
DIATEX provides a wide range of bagging films for vacuum moulding and vacuum infusion.
DIATEX provides a wide range of bagging films for vacuum moulding and vacuum infusion.
DIATEX provides a wide range of bagging films for vacuum moulding and vacuum infusion.


The Silicone Brush-On Starter kit comprises all that is needed to complete up to 1.4 m2 of reusable silicone vacuum membrane.

The new morphing resin runner is an integrated flow path within a reusable vacuum membrane.

MicroMorph is a smaller and easier to install version of our silicone Morph resin runner. Designed for more complex mould geometry and eliminates the need for reinforcing cloth during installation.

Provides flow junctions for more complex resin channel layouts.

Range of tube inserts as an alternative to rigid plastic or metal. The new design in 100% silicone guarantees a secure bonding and highest vacuum security. Available for 10 mm, 12 mm, 16 mm and 19 mm tubes.

Instant hand locked ratchet clamps provide additional vacuum security and seal. For use with our membrane vacuum and resin injection inserts.

Reflow™ is a patented texturised sheet to allow membrane building encapsulating 0.5 x 0.5 grooves at 1cm grid spacing. This provides in built resin flow 'mesh' which is reusable and not consumable.

Vacuum manifold for use with the MicroMorph. 12x 4mm ports. Supplied complete with PTFE blocking plugs, vacuum isolation valve, and reusable pipe clip.

Profile for the manufacture of female split mould channel in reusable silicone vacuum membranes. Due to the lamination process in preparation of mould this product is not reusable.

Reusable seal shape/ profile. Features high flexibility to conform to the most complex mould flange path. Adhered to flange using special double sided tape.

Reusable sponge border edge profile for flange edge for ease of manufacturing reusable membranes, minimising silicone wastage.

Special tape providing adhesion paths on mould flange and surfaces to temporarily bond seal profile and resin runner during bag manufacture.

Our reinforcing cloth or 'mesh' is highly compliant with excellent silicone absorption characteristics.

Our roll cloth is used as embedded membrane reinforcement. Especially useful over edge seal profile and between anchors.

Used as embedded membrane reinforcement. Especially useful to cover membrane in convenient manageable strips.

Metal hook allows safe and secure lift handling anchor points to be bonded into larger and heavy membranes.

A sturdy adjustable injection funnel stand suitable for all of our injection funnel models. Each leg can be adjusted to follow the mould base shape.

Different sized infusion funnels for outlet application. All funnels are reusable.

Pluggen in verschillende maten, geschikt om injectie trechters luchtdicht te houden.

Zelfklevende 1.5 mm kalibratiewasplaat. Wordt gebruikt om in een mal te plaatsen voordat er siliconen worden gespoten om de dikte van het product weer te geven.

Ideaal voor snelle productie van membraan vacuum verbindings kanaal. Cutter is herbruikbaar.

Hoogwaardige, zwavelvrije modelleerklei voor gebruik in de composietenindustrie als vulmateriaal tussen de kalibratiegedeelten van de mal.

Standaard TopGear SilCon-6 statische menger.

Herbruikbare menger nozzle voor sprayfunctie. Ontworpen om siliconen gelijkmatig te verdelen. Te gebruiken met onze snelkoppeling.

Reserve luchtaansluiting voor mengkop.

De schuine spuittip is speciaal ontworpen voor moeilijk bereikbare oppervlakken die bedekt zijn met vormdelen bij het spuiten van een nieuw membraan.

Goedkope vacuüm aansluitfitting voor installatie in een harde malflens.